



Project Type

Google UX Course


January to March 2023


Nutrition App


UX/UI Designer


The leading causes of death in the world by far are cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Is there a way to prevent them?

National health services recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet that helps control cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as exercising regularly.

The hectic lifestyle that most adults practice doesn't help, because when there is no time to prepare healthy food or even to eat a healthy diet, it's not always easy. That is why many people fall into a spiral of unhealthy dietary intake.

In addition, those who want to make a change in their lives are faced with a huge amount of disparate information that makes them feel overwhelmed which discourages and demotivates them.

Project Type

Google UX Course


January to March 2023


Nutrition App


UX/UI Designer


The leading causes of death in the world by far are cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Is there a way to prevent them?

National health services recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet that helps control cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as exercising regularly.

The hectic lifestyle that most adults practice doesn't help, because when there is no time to prepare healthy food or even to eat a healthy diet, it's not always easy. That is why many people fall into a spiral of unhealthy dietary intake.

In addition, those who want to make a change in their lives are faced with a huge amount of disparate information that makes them feel overwhelmed which discourages and demotivates them.

Project Type

Google UX Course


January to March 2023


Nutrition App


UX/UI Designer


The leading causes of death in the world by far are cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Is there a way to prevent them?

National health services recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet that helps control cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as exercising regularly.

The hectic lifestyle that most adults practice doesn't help, because when there is no time to prepare healthy food or even to eat a healthy diet, it's not always easy. That is why many people fall into a spiral of unhealthy dietary intake.

In addition, those who want to make a change in their lives are faced with a huge amount of disparate information that makes them feel overwhelmed which discourages and demotivates them.

Project Type

Google UX Course


January to March 2023


Nutrition App


UX/UI Designer


The leading causes of death in the world by far are cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Is there a way to prevent them?

National health services recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet that helps control cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as exercising regularly.

The hectic lifestyle that most adults practice doesn't help, because when there is no time to prepare healthy food or even to eat a healthy diet, it's not always easy. That is why many people fall into a spiral of unhealthy dietary intake.

In addition, those who want to make a change in their lives are faced with a huge amount of disparate information that makes them feel overwhelmed which discourages and demotivates them.





Create an easy to use and follow nutrition app, that helps adults to improve their nutrition with a supportive community encouraging people to make healthier choices.





  • Conducting interviews

  • Create Wireframes

  • Low and high-fidelity prototyping

  • Conducting usability studies

  • Accounting for accessibility

  • Iterating on designs

Understanding the user

Understanding the user

Understanding the user

Understanding the user

To start with the research phase I thinked about which user will use the app.

The research helped me to found out that most of the users of the apps related to healthy nutrition are between the ages of 18 and 45, so I decided to interview at least 5 persons at this age range.

I checked reviews on similar apps & services to gather data which I used to  develop interview questions, which were then used to conduct user interviews done through

The initial user interviews revealed 3 common patterns:

Most interview participants aim to stick to healthy food to maintain strong health and avoid medical treatments.

It's clear that there's a lack of knowledge about how nutrition facts impact achieving a healthy body.

They need support; maintaining their motivation through a community helps them continue pursuing good health.




After research, I decided to create a persona who can represent goals and frustrations from the interviewed users, a persona who is into an age range of 18-45 years who's willing to acquire a deepen knowledge on healthy nutrition, and this knowledge drives her to cook great recipes breaking unhealthy patterns. 

User Journey Map

User Journey Map

User Journey Map

The user journey map helps understand a user's experiences and challenges in achieving a specific goal. It identifies pain points, improves user experience, and ensures needs are met at every stage, allowing for more effective and tailored solutions.




An audit of competitors' products highlighted gaps and opportunities for the Foodify app, guiding improvements and potential features to better meet user needs.

Click on the image to see the full audit document.




The ideation exercise help me to come up with ideas for how to address gaps identified in the competitive audit.

My focus was specifically on design a simplified & visually appealing interface that helps the user to explore topics and recipes easily.





Digital wireframes & Lofi Prototype

Digital wireframes & Lofi Prototype

The goal is to design a homepage where users can find all necessary information and be encouraged to learn more and cook new recipes, thereby expanding their knowledge.

To prepare for usability testing, I created a low-fidelity prototype that maps out the user flow of the learning path.

Usability Study

Usability Study

I conducted 5 moderated user interviews to collect rich, qualitative data in order to better understand the process users took to learn about healthy food and cook healthy recipes. I sent a follow-up questionnaire to users to validate the collected data and gain a more holistic view of their perspectives.

Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

I conducted 5 moderated user interviews to collect rich, qualitative data in order to better understand the process users took to learn about healthy food and cook healthy recipes. I sent a follow-up questionnaire to users to validate the collected data and gain a more holistic view of their perspectives.

I transcribed each interview and conducted a thematic analysis before grouping key information into themes using affinity mapping. This allowed me to better visualise the data, have an accurate depiction of where users’ sentiments lied, and empathise better with users to inform design decisions.

Prioritized Insights

Prioritized Insights

The testing yielded many insights that revealed key usability issues with refining the preferences to learn and interact with the community more intuitive. Testing allowed me to better empathise with users while they interacted directly with prototype, develop a more collaborative approach to building a product, and uncover usability issues from a different perspective. These were the main findings uncovered by the usability study: 


Users want to prove their knowledge, so a test has to be passed for each lesson.

Audio & Video

Users don’t enjoy reading much, so they prefer to listen podcasts or watch a video.

Community features

Users do prefer an easier access to reach the community and improved features to find value.

Refining the Design

Refining the Design

Refining the Design

Refining the Design



Based on insights from the usability studies, I made design changes such as adding a test section where users can demonstrate their acquired knowledge. This encourages them to continue learning and engage more deeply with the content.

Acknowledging that users prefer not to read lengthy text, which can overwhelm them, I've integrated a section at the start of each lesson where they can listen to an audio or watch a video covering the same content. This accommodates different learning preferences and enhances user engagement with the material.

Based on the theme that users can’t easily find valuable information at the community and they want a reachable access to it, I added new button at navigation and included a search features as well as community topics.

High Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

The high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype, including design changes made after the usability study.

Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype
Foodify HIFI Prototype

Accesibility Considerations

Accesibility Considerations


Audible sections allow some users to listen the content in case they are unable to read the content.

Also the interactive elements are clearly labeled and easy  to read by screen readers.


Tips at the home screen on personalized recommendations for the user.

Learning section helps the user to focus on his primary task through following a path and blocking future content.


Audible sections allow some users to listen the content in case they are unable to read the content.

Also the interactive elements are clearly labeled and easy  to read by screen readers.


Tips at the home screen on personalized recommendations for the user.

Learning section helps the user to focus on his primary task through following a path and blocking future content.







Users have a big interest in making better eating choices, however changing old habits is pretty hard. 

This platform was not designed to lose weight to be fit or gain muscles, instead fills the gap for nutrition learning and networking in a non-judgemental and engaging way.

What I Learned

What I Learned


Food and diet can be very personal topics for many, therefore, a very sensitive approach is needed in user interviews.


Hear the voice of the users it’s even more important than design a minimal UI based on assumptions.

Next Steps

Next Steps

User Satisfaction

Conduct research on how successful the app is in reaching the goal to improve users health.

AI Assitant

I will like to introduce an AI assistant feature which will help the user cook a healthy recipe based on available ingredients on users fridge.

Goal Achievement

Conduct more user interviews to know how the users meet their health goals thanks to the app, and improve.